Directly to the water supply calculator

General questions


What is the best way to polish the copper?    You can use different polishes, it is important that the grain is very fine. BRUMAS extra fine copper polish is very suitable available here.

What is cleaner 1?


Cleaner 1 is citric acid "powder" available here. Use 120 ml powder for 12 Liters of water.

What is cleaner 2?We recommend using dishwasher powder. Use 120 ml of powder for 12 Liters of water.


Questions about brewing


Where can I find the water supply calculator? http://www.brumas.com/wassergabe.html Here

How many kg of crushed malt can I process in the
BrauEule III  brewing machine?


Quantities between 3.5 and 8 kg are at best. 7 kg are ideal.

How do I get an optimal yield?

The right lautering is essential for a high yield. For lautering, leave the lauter pot next to the BrauEule brewing machine on the same level. Only when the wort is running very slowly do you hang a bucket on the brewing owl's tap and let the last approx. 10 liters run into this lower hanging bucket.

Correct sparging is particularly important. To do this, wait until the wort has just soaked into the spent grains cake. Then pour 3 liters of sparging water over the spent grains cake that was previously prepared in the BrauEule brewing machine. Use the lid to help distribute the water. Pour 3 to 4 times until the brewing machine is full to the brim.

The entire lautering process should take about an hour

Questions about fermentation


How does the fermentation control work in the BrauEule III?There is a Schuko plug on the back of the machine. The refrigerator or freezer is connected to this and set to maximum cooling capacity. During the individual fermentation recipe, the cooling device is only switched on when cooling is necessary. The temperature in the fermenting beer is measured by a sensor. Up to 7 target temperatures can be programmed per recipe, individual temperatures can be reached as quickly as you want, so you prevent the yeast from shocking and complex fermentation processes are possible..

How quickly does a refrigerator cool the wort?


That depends on the performance of the cooling device. The Liebherr Vinothek Wkb 4212® creates around 3 ° C per hour with 40 liters of wort (In the Brumas Bottich 50 ®)

At what maximum temperature can I put the wort in the refrigerator?

In the above mentioned Wkb4212 it makes sense from 40 ° C, the wort is then in about 7 hours at the setting temperature for the yeast addition.


Questions about the BrauEule brewing machine

How to fix


My Braueule is dripping slightly from the tap


Frequent use will wash the tap grease out of the tap during cleaning. This must then be reapplied: Re-grease the tap with Brumas tap grease Brumas Hahnfett .


Water is dripping from the machine

Check that the clamping ring is correctly seated and that no condensation water runs into the machine.




Machine heats too slowly
Clicking noises from the machine




Dirty heater. Soak BrauEule overnight in high doses of citric acid, then clean with the same solution. Repeat the same with dishwashing powder. In the future, make sure that the cleaning cycles are carried out after each brewing process with sufficient dosage according to the instructions. If the intensive cleaning is not sufficient and the machine is still heating up too slowly, please contact us.
Dampf bläst über Sicherheitsdeckel ab, wenig oder keine Blasen im Maisch- und LäutergefäßDampfzufuhr zum Maisch- und Läutergefäß verstopft. Maschine abschalten und Druck aus BrauEule gem. Anleitung ablassen. Versuchen den Schlauch durch Luft einblasen frei zu bekommen.


Steam blows off over the clamping ringClose the clamping ring correctly according to the instructions, treat the gasket with neutral fat  if necessary. Check whether the copper hood is straight. To do this, place the hood on a flat surface and ensure that it is placed evenly.


If you have specific questions, please contact the telephone support



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